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Flower bandit leaves thank you note - Yahoo! News

Flower bandit leaves thank you note - Yahoo! News

Thu Aug 31, 3:13 AM ET

DES MOINES, Iowa-At least the people who took flowers from a historic neighborhood left a thank you note. Jason Jasnos said he found the note in his garden Sunday, a day after he caught two women holding a bunch of posies taken from outside his 1880s-era home, near downtown Des Moines.

The note was on a white piece of paper etched in pink marker with a lone pink-and-yellow flower.

"Thank you for the flowers," it read. "Many others will enjoy them."

The note was signed: "The flower bandit."

"We've heard some stories of bizarre plant thefts," said Stephanie Bruner, vice president of the neighborhood association, who said she has had tulips taken from her yard.

Jasnos said he asked around and found that other neighbors also have had flowers and plants stolen from their yards and porches.

One neighbor had ornamental grasses stolen a few years ago. Another neighbor had plants taken from a hanging basket on her porch. The thief had smoothed out the dirt so it appeared nothing was disturbed.

Jasno's wife, Sherry, tried to be positive about the theft.

"I'm assuming she's going to brighten someone's day," she said.

Now there's a twist in the whole gardener/plant theif dynamic. I've had all kinds of things yanked from my garden this year and didn't once get a thank you note. And people say note writing is a dying art. If you're interested the DesMoines Register also has this story on their website along with pictures of Jason and the note the flower bandit.

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